2011 - 2012 XNA Framework



KOLOM is a four-screen four-player gaming installation. The first game to be developed for this installation is Alien BBQ, a versus game where-in players strive to hold an object for a total of two minutes, whilst the other players have to co-operate to take him down and take the object for themselves.

KOLOM's unique set-up, with four screens facing outward to give the impression of a pillar, gives players an hybrid physicial-digital experience.

Game Design, Playtesting, 3D art. 

I wrote my graduating supportive narrative using this game as a case study, you can read it here

A lot of the complexity 

Joram Wolters Game Design, Level Design, 3D Art
Bram Geerlings Game Design, programming
Niels Jansen Game Design, 2D Art