2D Platformer - Unity Example project


Context: GLU Example Project
Year: 2024
Tools: Unity, Photoshop
Credits: Joram Wolters

In 2024 I taught a course about Unity and 2D art in photoshop.  
I made this example project solo to help explain certain themes and techniques. 

The project uses the 2D Game Kit.



A welcome pleasure in making this project was using Spriteshape. Though it is a bit undercooked and not without challenges, once you understand what it expects and use it properly, it is a powerful tool. 


Though I had initially planned to only use the character controller and enemy prefabs of the 2D game kit, the pre-made interaction system actually allowed for some fun extra life to be added to the scene, like triggering lights or animations. 


Night Racer - Unity Example project

Nightracer - title

Context: GLU Example Project
Year: 2023
Tools: Unity, Blender, Substance Painter, Photoshop
Credits: Joram Wolters

In 2023 I coached a course about night-time lighting and racing games. 
I made this example project solo to help explain certain themes and techniques. 

The project uses the PROMETEO Car Controller by Mena. 


Nightracer - 05


Nightracer - 04
Nightracer - 03



Nightracer - 02
Nightracer - 01



Billy Bumbum


Context: Freelance Puzzle Design
Year: 2023
Tools: Unity3D
Credits: Frambosa (Jonathan Barbossa), Tom van Der Linden, Sam Shandley, & others 

Can you handle the toots? Billy Bumbum's charming world hides a puzzler's paradise!
This cute puzzle game will kick your butt! Behind the sweet pastels of Billy Bumbum lie puzzles for the true thinky mind. Use seemingly simple mechanics in surprisingly deep and satisfying ways to rescue your friends in over 250 levels. Fart for Freedom!


For Frambosa I designed and built some 50 puzzle levels for their title 'Billy Bumbum.'
I also did testing and some design consulting. 


Windy Vale - UE5 envi art test


Context: Environment Art Solo Project
Year: 2022
Tools: Unreal Engine 5, Blender 3.0, Photoshop, Illustrator
Credits: Joram Wolters

Based on a course by Stylized Station

To transfer from Unity to Unreal Engine, and to up my environment art skills I completed this course. 
Learning goals were 

- Producing game-ready environment art assets in Blender using high-poly to low-poly bake workflows. 
- Learning to work with UE5 node-based shaders and materials. 
- Learning how to work with UE5 Niagara VFX
- Learning how to work with UE5 Lumen Lighting. 


Apart from learning UE5, one of my goals this project was to learn Blender. I have always worked with Maya and was curious how Blender would work. I was extremely pleasantly surprised at how well it worked and am excited to work more with Blender in the future! In blender I did all the rough modelling, sculpting and baking. 


My favorite part about this course is learning how to make Runtime Virtual Texture shaders, you can do fun things like sample a colormap or heightmap to drive effects in your shader.

I also really enjoyed this method for making stylized trees, it makes it really easy to tweak the look of trees by swapping out some colors. The canopy mesh and leaf masks can also be swapped out if needed.


I also made some simple particles using Niagara. Though I have a lot of VFX experience using Unity's Shuriken system, Niagara works fundamentally differently and I'm looking forward to diving further into it! 

My favorite thing on any project is lighting and post processing, and UE5 goes HARD on these aspects, I spent a lot of time on it (while keeping the lighting set up very simple) and still feel like I've only scratched the surface of what UE5 can do!


Beran's Curse

BC Cover

Context: DND Adventure Guide
Year: ---
Tools: Photoshop
Credits:  Joram Wolters

You are a band of adventurers who have been working for a man named Sir Rodrick Kneelman. 

He reaches out to your band and asks you to investigate a weird occurrence involving fruits and vegetables.. 

This is a homebrew dnd5 campaign I have been writing and playing for the past couple of years. 
This year I will play it through with one more table before compiling it into a guide for people to download and play. 

It features an illustrated twenty page campaign guide, papercraft character mini's, five illlustrated encounter maps, item cards and other hand-outs. Play time is roughly 6-10 four hour sessions. 




Context: PC game

Year: TBA

Platforms: Windows

Tools: Unreal Engine 5, Blender, Photoshop

Joram Wolters
Annie Manueke


HANA is a narrative puzzle game that explores a woman's transformation from daughter to mother as she deals with sudden loss and grief.
The game is mostly about exploration and finding the strength to keep going, as you nurture trees back to life and find your way out of the depths. 


HANA is made possible thanks to support from Stimuleringsfonds


Awesome In-House Gamejam

AIHG 2013

Context: Game Jam

Year: 2013

Platforms: Windows

Tools: Game Maker,  Photoshop

Tom Mourik
Tom van der Linden
Joeri van Ees 
Kjell 't Hoen
Michiel Nijhof
Joram Wolters

The Awesome In-House Gamejam was a bunch of friends having a gamejam together. 
We made a platformer that looked friendly on the face of it, but revealed a darker world every time you got hurt. 



Top Down Cadet


Context: Solo Project

Year: 2013

Platforms: Windows

Tools: Game Maker,  Photoshop

Top-Down Cadet is a little top down flyer-shooter game I made to teach myself gamemaker, GML and functional art.

It's a local multiplayer shmup where one player can spawn waves of fighter planes and the other player has to take them down. 

- Home: restart game
- Esc :quit game at any time
- end: player HP + 1
- delete: player Cannon +1


Long Distance - GGJ 2018


Context: Global Game Jam 

Year: 2018

Platforms: Windows

Tools: Unity,  Photoshop


Lance Krasniqi 
Viktor Trisjin
Joram Wolters


You're an interstellar gateway operator! Your job is to make sure every ship in the 'verse arrives at their desired destination. How? Just connect two gateways on your monitor screen using cables and make sure those travelers go through safely. 


For this gamejam I did the UI design and animation, 2D art and collaborated on game design. 



Captain Capsize - LD40


Context: Ludum Dare 40

Year: 2017

Platforms: Windows, WebGL

Tools: Unity, Maya, Photoshop


Lance Krasniqi 
Viktor Trisjin
Stijn Delaruelle
Toon Delaruelle
Joram Wolters

ARRRR ME HEARTIES! You just completed a good ol’ raid and now it’s time to set sail to yer own cove. There’s only one tiny little problem: your ship’s wheel broke off. But with some skill you can still steer the ship back home! Collect shiny loot on your way home, and balance it on the ships deck to steer it in the right direction. But beware of the enemies! Kill ‘em by shooting your loot on their ships. Just drag it into the cannons and FIRE! No more loot left? Maybe that broken wheel can still be of use… The goal: keep yer shit straight and get to the pub! Drink up me hearties!

For this gamejam I did the UI design and animation, some vfx and level design. I also contributed on game design. 

